Thursday, September 11, 2008

The Cowboy Ten Commandments

Through a strange turn of events involving a co-worker's high school classmate's Facebook friend request (everyone still with me?), I happened upon this interesting eBay item: a t-shirt with a cowboy's version of the ten commandments on it. In case you can't read the teeny-squeezy font, I have dictated below.

1. Just one God
2. Honer yer Ma and Pa
3. No tellin' tales or gossipin'
4. Git yerself to Sabbath meetin'
5. Put nothin' before God
6. No foolin' around with another feller's gal
7. No killin'
8. Watch yer mouth
9. Don't take what ain't yers
10. Don't be hankerin' fer yer buddy's stuff

Now all of you cowpokes reading my blog have a perfect birthday gift idea!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Small Things

Today one of my co-workers brought his new-to-preschool daughter into work with him for a few minutes. Though shy at first, she immediately opened up when I asked her if she went to school today. She smiled widely, then struggled to take off her backpack - which was over half her size. Out of this Disney Princess-emblazoned cavern of creativity and spare pencils came one of my favorite things: a puppet made out of a paper bag. Her puppet was a dog, complete with ears and pink tongue (similar to the Martha Stewart-provided example below).

I realized that I too had a paper bag at my disposal, as well as a medium point Sharpie primed (from a lifetime of solely redacting) for drawing facial features. Add one orange Post-It flag for a tongue, and I had created my very own happiness-factory (otherwise known as a paper bag puppet). It was a good day.