Monday, June 15, 2009

Milestone Alert!

I'm going to try and take a picture of Rose every month on the 10th, celebrating her first 12 months of life (this idea was stolen from my friend Emily). I couldn't decide which ones to post, so you get a variety pack.

In case you're wondering, life with the baby is great. She's a good sleeper, which means mom and dad are well-rested and perky (most of the time). Dad has even been able to sneak in a couple of rounds of golf, and I was able to play for our rec-league softball team a few weeks back. We'll be flying to Houston this weekend for a wedding - have baby will travel. Rose also got to meet a lot of new people last week, including one of her great-great-grandmothers (that's right, she has more than one great-great-grandmother). I posted some more photos to Facebook too, so you might also want to meander over there for some additional oohing and aahing.