Monday, July 20, 2009

Caption contest winner announced!

You may remember in May how I challenged my three blog readers to come up with a caption to a particular picture of Rose. I just realized that I never actually told you about the winner. Perhaps I'm biased, but I loved my husband's lolcats-like caption. I'm not a photo editor (and not very good with lol-speak either), so please excuse the paltry modification. But, I think you get the idea...

Thursday, July 16, 2009

What? Michael Jackson passed away!? I hadn't heard.

So, like the rest of the world, I have been listening to a lot of Michael Jackson the past week or so. I've always had a soft spot for his duet with Paul McCartney, "The Girl is Mine". The laid-back beat, the painfully memorable lyrics ("'Cause she said I blow her mind"), the ridiculous voice-over (Michael: Paul, I think I told you, I'm a lover not a fighter. Paul: I've heard it all before, Michael. She told me that I'm her forever lover, you know, don't you remember?). It's all just too perfect.

But then, as I began to think about, I started to feel bad for Paul and Michael. I mean, this girl is two-timing them! And they're both oblivious. Michael's off sending her roses and telling her that he'll love her endlessly, and all the while she's telling Paul that she's her "forever lover". Wake up, boys - she's using you both! And let's look at the two of them. They only have one thing in common: their fame. Can you say "gold digger"? Geesh. They shouldn't be fighting over a girl like her. She probably moved on to Hall & Oates soon after. Typical.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Two Months Old!

Rose celebrated two months of age on Friday. Here are a couple of pictures I snapped of her.