Saturday, January 9, 2010

2009 in Review: January

I've heard that the winter is a time to reflect. To examine your past for future improvements. Well, I look back at 2009 and see a serious lack of blog posts. Sorry about that. Perhaps you will forgive me if I summarize my past year in a month-by-month 12-post-retrospective series. You will? Oh, how gracious of you. Thank you. I begin with January.

January was the month of eating! It's strange to think back to life BB (Before Baby), but there was a time when I had free time. And when that free time would be spent wasting time on the couch watching movies and reading books. And eating. It's true that I was/am a picky eater (many of you know that my body reacts strongly to foods I dislike, which I blame for my picky-eating-tendencies), but the food I did like, I ate often.

Well, pregnancy magnified my picky tendencies. You know what, that's an understatement. It was a total protonic reversal. I couldn't eat anything! The blandest food imaginable would still push the eject button in my stomach. I survived off of crackers, toast, and ... uh, yeah, I think that was it. Oh, I discovered clementines in December. Those helped get me through Christmas.

But then, January happened. Oh, sweet, blessed January. In January, my appetite returned and my stomach's protest ceased. That's when the fun started. Have you heard of these magical inventions called onion rings? I had not discovered them until January. They are bliss, plain and simple. They also have a close relative called the onion straw. These miniature versions can be placed on cheeseburgers. Fantastic, delicious cheeseburgers. Needless to say, Red Robin became my second home in January. I could go on, but I think you get the point. Therefore, I dub January the month of eating.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You are so funny! The crazy thing is that clementines were my survival food when I was pregnant with Joey:)